Contact us
Contact The Portage Resort
The location is accessible by road, water taxi or helicopter. Portage Resort does not offer a leisure shuttle service for guests during their stay. The hotel can transfer guests to and from Torea wharf only and only at designated times.
Portage Resort is just 15 minutes by ferry from Picton to the Torea Bay wharf followed by a short 4-minute drive (pre booked) or a 30 minute walk over the saddle to the resort.
Or if travelling from Havelock, it is a 40min boat ride from Havelock marina and you can book with Kenepuru Water Taxi.
Bag Transfers for Hotel Guests
Cougar Line & Beachcomber run arrival schedules throughout the day into Torea Bay delivering both guests and luggage. This needs to be arranged directly with them at the time of booking. Should you wish to send your luggage unaccompanied, a Portage staff member will collect your luggage and deliver it to the hotel.
On your departure day, please place your bags in the bag shed at the top of the Resort’s Reception stairs by 9am, hotel staff will transport all luggage to Torea Bay. Please do not leave your bags outside your room, the collection area is the luggage shed.
For more information contact our friendly team on stay@portageresort.co.nz.
The Portage Resort is your Marlborough accommodation base to explore the magic of the Marlborough Sounds at the top of the south island of New Zealand.
For current rates, availability or any reservation queries please contact us or fill in the reservation enquiry form below.
Reservations, Weddings & Functions and General Enquiries:
ph. 03 573 4309
Address: 2923 Kenepuru Road, Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand
Reservation Enquiries